Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Sandy Hook Multi-Use Pathway - New Jersey

May 22, 2018
12 miles

Started early this morning to beat the rain. As we neared the park entrance several schools buses were coming in behind us. We figured that it must be end of year school trips to the Gateway National Recreation Area. This trail spans the length of New Jersey's Sandy Hook peninsula. We had fantastic views of the ocean and even went through some maritime forest areas. At the northern end of the trail we were treated to  the historic Fort Hancock and the picturesque lighthouse dating back to the country's colonial period. At several points we could also see the New York City's skyline. It was very interesting biking through the old fort and reading all the information. And, best of all we beat the rain!

Sandy Hook Lighthouse
Lighted for the first time on June 11, 1764

 Lifeguard Visitor's Center

 The Big Apple

Seriously, I didn't know the USA had any nude beaches!

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